Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 9, The One With the Gnome and The Treensformation

(With thanks to Jon) A great sense of urgency flooded the minds of Talon, Baiden, and Idilai after emerging from the portal in the nick of time. Upon their relaying the disturbing images of a great fey army amassing in the Feywild to Valandra, Anvar, and Vensil, the party agreed that their next move should be warning the town of Wolfridge Crossing of a potential threat to the region. Eventually, they made their way back through the network of tunnels and emerged above ground - in the chapel where they had encountered Wervin. In the meantime, the rest of the party attempted to restore the crumbling church and its grounds so that it looked undisturbed. Soon thereafter, they made their way into the Black River Vale towards Wolfridge.

After traveling all morning and afternoon, the group prepared camp for the night. As they sat around the fire, eating and reminiscing about the recent events, two injured individuals emerged from the dark forest – a dragonborn and his Darmagon-warforged (an intelligent golem made of wood, metal and stone). The pair, who would later introduce themselves as Patrelli, and his manservant, Timber, had come under recent attack by bandits local to the areas surrounding Wolfridge Crossing. Patrelli professed to own a caravan that often traveled between Darmagon and Wolfridge carrying raw metals (and other profitable items). Most of the caravan died, but they did not - Patrelli had put extra guards on duty after he crossed paths with a messenger from Arthur Cassy on his way to Darmagon (a move that saved his life). In the wake of the onslaught, they fled and sought refuge elsewhere. Despite some tough interrogation from Talon, the party agreed to assist both of them and invited Patrelli and Timber to stay over night. It was decided that they could accompany the group back to Wolfridge Crossing, since they were headed that way in the first place.

The next morning, breakfast was had and the band of, now eight, adventurers made their way out of the Black Wood Vale towards Wolfridge Crossing. Just beyond its borders, a great storm surprisingly assaulted the party. As it grew in power, soon branches, and eventually entire trees, were caught in its winds. Of the group, poor Anvar the Flat-Footed – despite his stout and resilient nature – was overcome by what seemed to be the trunk of a tree flung by the great storm in his direction. As the party watched in horror, poor Anvar screamed as branches, roots, and leaves tore and slashed both clothing and skin. Valandra valiantly came to his aid, and was able to shield the fallen dwarf from the storm of debris with her towering shield. However, it was too late. For as soon as she did so, the violent winds and branches dissipated, but a grim message had been carved by the thorns into Anvar’s broad shoulders. YOU KILLED MY SON. I'LL SEE YOU SOON, it read. Despite Idilai’s best efforts in healing, it appeared that Anvar was now cursed. With poor Patrelli and Timber spooked, and Anvar being cared for, the group doubled their efforts to get back to Wolfridge before any other mysterious events came their way.

Once the party arrived back in Wolfridge, a smattering of events took place. Patrelli and Timber were escorted the Elven Halfpenny, and were rewarded handsomely with a Darmagonian writ valued at 100gp. Some members of the group sought out Baldwin Lovelle, but were unsuccessful in gathering any information, let alone getting inside the building. It was then that the suggestion came about to warn Mayor Creen of the events in the Black River Vale. Idilai parted from the group to check in with Melmellandria at the Free Temple, but said she would rendezvous in the morning. While at the temple, the two elves discussed the nature of this “curse” that had come over Anvar and ways to lift it. Anvar later showed up to pray at the Free Temple. Mayor Creen suggested seeing an elven loremaster in Pelnaad who had been apart of Mayor Creen's adventuring band and one of the founder's of the Crossing. Valandra checked in with Simon, the captain of the town guard to alert him of the potential fey invasion; she also told him of the attacks on Patrelli’s caravan.

In the morning, the party regrouped, bought a mule named Valanvar and set off for Pelnaad. There, they would seek out the loremaster Faelmane Bowertop (fah-EL-mah-nay). Not even a day into the Pelnaad Marshes, a curious gnome with explosive white hair named Nimrok. He invited the party to play a game – of sorts – and inticed the group into it by offering them a bow and set of armor they had “come into the possession of.” At the announcement of this “event,” five other gnomish bandits appeared. Nimrok tossed an apple to each member of the party and invited them to eat it; only Idilai and Vensil did so (each bite was shared by a bite from a matched gnome). Much to the amazement of the party, the apples turned both Vensil and Idilai (and their corresponding gnomes) into trees! The gnomes then took this opportunity to attack the group. During the battle, Idilai and Vensil were able to manifest control over their tree-forms and come to their compatriots' aid.

After a hard-fought battle, Nimrok opened what seemed to be a door in a tree, and escaped through it. After dispatching the rest of the gnomes, the group attempted to pursue him, but could not detect the method by which his escape happened. They were able to reclaim the bow and the chainmail from the tree for the group to have. The party made camp for the day and waited for Vensil and Idilai to slowly return to their humanoid figures.

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