Friday, May 27, 2011

May 26, the One with the Centipedes

(With thanks to Jon) Having decided to pursue Wervin (the alleged culprit responsible for the feywraith attacks on Wolfridge Crossing) the next day, the group spent the evening having dinner and getting to know one another better. In the morning, Anvar, Baiden and Valandra were a little worse for wear. Idilai led the group to the fringes of the Black River Vale, northwest of Wolfridge Crossing.

Not far with the Vale, they found a victim of what Idilai identified to be bloodvines, who was being consumed by a swarm of centipedes. Upon further inspection involving feats of magic by Vensil and feats of strength by Anvar, the plants became hostile and attacked the group. After a brief tussle wherein Baiden was almost dragged off into the woods and Valandra indicated she wanted nothing to do with the bugs, they emerged victorious and inspected the remains of the body, discovering magical cloth armor.

Anvar guided the party through the woods, to the edge of the groves within the Black River Vale. The group made camp, and went undisturbed throughout the evening. In the morning, the Barnraiser would pick up a trail that led into the heart of the woods. A couple hours passed, and soon a tiny pillar of smoke deep within the vale became apparent. Talon, wanting to find out more information, scouted ahead and discovered what seemed to be a group of eladrin (high elves) who may have haled from the Feywild. Despite Idilai's best efforts to ruin the groups attempts at stealth, Talon, Valandra, Anvar and Vensil were able to observe the eladrin, who were guarding the remnants of an old church.

Upon hearing this information, Baiden thought it best to approach the group diplomatically and see what their cause was for being within the Vale. Despite his best attempt at an elvish greeting, the party was met with hostility. Through judicious use of an illusionary pitfall, the group quickly dispatched the eladrin guards.

Pressing onward, through the large wooden doors of the old building, the group would discover their culprit, Wervin. Shrouded in lighting on the raised dais in the farthest end of the temple, he delivered a foreboding message that the party had finally “arrived,” implying that he was, in fact, waiting for the group.

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